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Flat Stomach Workouts

Flat Stomach Workouts


If you're looking for a way to improve your core strength and get rid of your love handles, then you should try these exercises. They'll help make sure that you have a flat stomach and can keep it that way!

How to get a flat Stomach 

Abdominal exercises 

The abdominal exercises are a great way to get a flat stomach. Many people think that they need to spend hours doing crunches and sit-ups, but this is not true. The best thing you can do is eat right and work out your abs daily, which will help them tone up faster than any other part of the body!

To start off, there are many different types of abdominal exercises you can do:

  • Crunches - This exercise involves lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor while lifting up first one arm then another until they reach their highest point before lowering both arms back down again. Repeat for reps or time (or both).

  • Waist-Lifts - This exercise involves standing straight up with legs spread apart at about shoulder width apart so that only half of each leg's calf area is touching each other; lift one leg in front towards chest level as if doing an imaginary chair lift until reaching top point before lowering downward movement again towards starting position where heels begin touching ground surface or flooring material beneath feet; repeat process five times per set


Swimming is a great way to exercise your core, especially if you're swimming laps in a pool. It's low-impact and can be done anywhere you have access to water. Plus, it's easy on your joints and helps keep you fit!

If you're looking for something that will help burn calories and get in shape, swimming is definitely worth considering as an option.


Running is a great way to burn calories, get your heart rate up and even tone your muscles.

Running can be done in many different ways, including jogging and sprinting. Jogging is slower than sprinting but still gets you moving quickly enough that it's considered aerobic exercise. Both types of running cause the body to use oxygen efficiently by increasing blood flow throughout the body while also increasing circulation in muscle tissue through lactic acid buildup (which occurs when you're exercising intensely).


Yoga is a great way to tone your muscles and relax. It can also help you sleep better, feel more energized, and lose weight.

Here are some of the benefits of yoga:

  • It's relaxing and helps you fall asleep faster

  • The poses provide resistance training for your abdominal area which will help build muscle mass over time (and make you look slimmer)

Walking (or hiking)

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be done at any time of day, and it's free. It's also an excellent method for burning calories because you don't need to do anything but walk!

Walking is one of the best exercises for improving your health and wellness. Walking not only helps you lose weight, but it also improves circulation in the body, strengthen muscles and bones--even lower back pain! If you're looking for ways how walking could help improve your overall well-being, check out these tips:

Circuit training

  • How to do circuit training:

  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

  • For best results, do 2 circuits of 5 exercises per circuit, which should take between 20-30 minutes total time.

  • You can modify your workouts by adding in other exercises that target different muscle groups or just make sure you're doing enough reps per set (for example, if you can only handle 30 pushups before your workout ends, increase the number of sets).

You can get a flat stomach with these exercises.

The exercises below can help you get a flat stomach.

  • Squats with dumbbells in each hand: Hold a dumbbell at your chest, then squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then rise up again. Repeat 15 times. Do 3 sets per day for 30 days (or until you see results).

  • Bicycle crunches: Lie flat on your back with legs extended up in the air. Lift them over head so they're pointing straight up but not locked together (like doing sit-ups). Slowly lower back into position and repeat 10 times before moving onto next set. Do 3 sets per day for 30 days (or until you see results).

  • Crunch combo moves: Lie on the floor with hands behind neck and knees bent slightly like a frog; lift head off floor by lifting hips off ground so only torso remains fixed in place--this will allow full range from neck down through hips without using any additional parts of body like arms/legs which could become strained quickly if done incorrectly! Now repeat 10 times before moving onto next set...


You can get a flat stomach with these exercises.


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